Friday, July 22, 2011

Time Flies When You are Having Fun!

I don't know how I manage to keep forgetting to update this blog, but here goes nothing:

  • Ryan made it through his 3rd blocks with flying colors, and he is very happy to be done with such a terrible schedule. We went to Bay Rouge afterwards to relax. Here are some pictures from the beach:

  • As some of you know.... the last Harry Potter movie came out!!!!! I have now officially seen it 3 times so far. I know.. I know. Get a life, huh? Well, each time was just as good as the last and I just love movies in 3D. Here are some pictures of my friend Priyal and I getting geared up for the show! 

Gotta have your lightening bolt scar

Can't wait to see it!
Happy because it was so good but sad because it is the last one

  • Last weekend, we went to the brunch at the Westin Resort here which was amazing! It was all you can eat and drink for 3 hours, and the resort was gorgeous. There was so much good food that it was overwhelming: shrimp, mussels, oysters, a whole seared tuna, rotisserie chicken, pasta table, sushi table, a whole wall of breakfast, an omelet station, fresh fruit with chocolate fountain, a dessert table, etc. 
Here is the link for the resort: We stayed afterwards to hang out and take advantage of such an awesome place.

The crew

We found a beach ball

  • Yesterday was my first day to be an actual patient in front of a class of medical students.. I was so nervous! Once I got over the fear of it all, it was actually pretty fun. I had to perform 6 different patient cases- each being different. So- I improv'ed it, which is pretty interesting. I made up different symptoms, cases, etc. off of the top of my head and the students had to practice "setting the agenda" with me. It is harder than you think being a believable patient with different things to focus on, while at the same time- having to be perceptive of how the student is doing so that you can give accurate feedback (their positives and negatives). I think I did pretty good for my first day, but now I am looking forward to doing it again now that I sort of know the ropes. 
Here is a quote that one of my facebook friends posted, and I think it is perfect:

‎"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living."

So I think that's all for now! I will try to be better at updating this from now on. Who knew you could be so busy not working! I love it!

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