Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It has been awhile!

I really don’t know where the time goes! I can’t believe that it is already the middle of June and that I have been here for almost 2 months now. Wow! Crazy!

I really haven’t had that much to write about because things have been a little slow around here since Ryan has been busy studying for his 2nd blocks exams.  I have been doing the usual: washing dishes, washing clothes, buying groceries, and going to the pool when it’s sunny. With all of the rain that we have been having lately, I am starting to get a taste of what the rainy season will be like. And it’s not going to be very much fun! It’s strange: one minute it will be a little overcast, and then the next minute, the wind is blowing really hard and huge raindrops start falling from the sky in sheets! I can only imagine what it will be like when it starts raining every single day for months. I keep asking the locals around here when I can expect all of the rain, but they just say “You never can tell” (in a cool island accent of course).  Here are some pictures of a beautiful rainbow taken off of our balcony after the last rainstorm. It was huge, and you could see it from all over the island!

Another thing that I have asked a couple of locals about are the mosquitoes. They are absolutely terrible here, and I know what bad mosquitoes are- growing up in the Mississippi Delta where they are practically the state bird. The bad thing about the mosquitoes here is that they are fast and cunning. They swoop in and sting you and before you can even swat at them, they disappear. I, myself, have taken to just wearing bug spray or keeping a can next to me at all times to just spray them if they come close because it is just about impossible to kill them with just your hands! I also don’t go to restaurants without bug spray, because most restaurants here are outdoors.. which means there are mosquitoes. You don’t want to take the chance of relying on the restaurant to have bug spray.. so I just bring my own. One local woman who is from South America told me to eat a spoonful of an aloe plant to make my “blood bitter.” I was actually starting to believe her, but then she proceeded to tell me how aloe cleans out my whole body, including my uterus.. no thank you lady. I think I’ll just stick to bug spray. I asked another local woman who is from Jamaica, and she laughed and said that they bite her just as much too… so who knows?

Ryan took me to Uncle Harry’s for a date. Notice his nice smile that I tried to copy.

Yesterday, I finally received my 3 birthday packages from Erin Atkinson, my parents, and Mary Love Sledge.. only a month and a ½ later! I was so excited to finally get them, and it felt like Christmas!

Erin gave me a teal-colored work-out tank that says “The University of Mississippi,” so I can represent “The Sip” when I work out and do zumba here! Ha ha! And she sent me some Funfetti cupcake mix with the Funfetti icing and sprinkles! Yay! Ryan probably won’t get any of these! J I am ready to cook them now! Thank you so much Erin!

My parents sent me some canvases, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, and other essential painting things so that I can start to paint the beauty around me! Hopefully, I can add a little color on the walls here, because it’s a little bare! My parents also sent me a really cute card where my mom kissed it with lipstick on! Ha ha! Here is a picture! Hands down, I have the best parents ever!

Lastly, Mary Love sent me a really cute black and white beach bag with much needed essentials inside: such as Sour Patch kids, fruit roll-ups, sunflower seeds, a beach float, a cd that she burned for me, and some really cute cups and bowls to match the plates that she sent to me earlier. Yay! Thank you so much Mare!  The best part about each item inside the bag was that she labeled each item. For instance, the Sour Patch kids bag said “More candy for another cavity!” ha ha ha! I couldn’t stop laughing as I looked at each thing ! Reading the note on each item was just as much fun as receiving them!

We went to see the new “X-Men” movie last night, and I really enjoyed it. It goes back and shows how the X-Men became X-Men. The cast was perfect, and overall it was pretty cool. We also saw “The Hangover 2” and are planning on seeing “Bridesmaids” tomorrow night. I love going to the movies, and it is really fun here because all of the locals come to the movies before they go out to the clubs.. so they are really dressed up in their heels, short skirts, tube tops, etc. I have seen some pretty tacky and crazy outfits. Next time, I will try to take some pictures of them without getting caught! Wish me luck!

Well, that is all for now! I will try to post sooner next time! 

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