Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Can't Stop Pinning!

So, my dear friend Ashleigh Daniel (formerly Ashleigh O'Quinn) invited me to join

and ever since then... I have been addicted. I love this website, and it makes me feel very greedy! It also inspires me to paint, go shopping, decorate my home, etc. So, feel free to join and then we can follow each other! It also makes me even more obsessed with braiding my hair. If only I could teach Ryan how to do a few of the braids because it is way harder than it looks to do some of these braids- even if you watch tutorials on youtube! Yes.. I do that. Here are some of my favorites that I have been trying to duplicate unsuccessfully:

Oh well, I will just have to keep practicing I guess!

In other news, Ryan finished his first blocks of the semester this past Monday! Hooray! For my selfish reasons, I am very happy for him to be done with these exams for now because that means that we can actually hang out! On Monday after the blocks were over, a big group of us went to Mullet Beach and cooked out and played beach games that we made- "Poor Man's Golf" and some other frisbee game that I was not good at.

 It was so much fun to finally get out of the house and go to the beach with everyone!

Last night, we went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean in 3-D and it was very good. I think 3-D makes anything look good and I wish that I could wear my 3-D glasses anywhere that I went to make things look better. Wouldn't that be cool? Anyway, I would definitely go see it again, AND I got to see the preview for the new Harry Potter movie coming out this summer! I am so excited for that movie, but I'm also going to be sad that the Harry Potter movies will be finished after this one. Oh well, at least I will have one more Twilight to see and then the Hunger Games movies will come out soon. Hooray! Have a great rest of the week! Peace!

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